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June 6, 2009
A good nurse requires a caring heart, great patience and plenty of compassion with a sincere desire to care for people. At times, the tasks of a nurse can hold responsibility as great as that of a doctor, because a nurse’s vigilance can determine between a patient’s life and death.
When asked why she chose nursing as a career, Siti said “I think nursing is an honourable occupation. I like this kind of work. I feel fulfilled when I am helping others.”
“There are also other reasons why I choose nursing. I know that the skills and knowledge gained from this career will also be helpful to me and all my loved ones. I can provide proper healthcare in my own home when it is needed,” added Siti.
She already had an interest in the medical industry and nursing is something that she felt she could do well in. Besides, her family and friends were very supportive, and believe that nursing is a secure career.
With the vast opportunities available to nurses within Malaysia and worldwide, there is no need for a nurse to stop their career advancement once they gain registration. There are also opportunities for more qualified and experienced nurses to take roles as specialists, head nurses, matrons and educators.
One of SEGi’s Nursing Diploma strengths is that it is industry based, giving SEGi’s nursing graduates a competitive edge in the job market. The Diploma in Nursing is designed to prepare students to be well equipped with the latest knowledge and skills as well as in-depth exposure to the nursing industry.
What initially attracted Siti to taking up the diploma at SEGi was the advertisement in the newspapers. She saw that SEGi was awarded ‘The Emerging Star Award’ of the Excellence Nurse Award from the Nursing Board of Malaysia. “This gave me confidence in choosing SEGi, as it shows that the nursing programme at SEGi is of high quality,” said Siti.
Siti also found the course registration fees at SEGi to be one of the most affordable, not to mention the ease of obtaining the PTPTN loan with SEGi’s assistance. Prior to her enrolment with SEGi, Siti had to work in various jobs because her family could not afford to support her studies at college.
Students who require financial aid can rest assured that there are loans and allowances available for suitable candidates. SEGi also arranges for students’ accommodation, especially those who are from outstation.
“I have no regrets studying here. I found the lecturers here very generous in sharing their knowledge. They are friendly and very helpful. Even during their break time they are willing to provide me guidance and help,” enthused Siti.
“The facilities for nursing programme are also very good. I feel like I am in a hospital environment. The syllabus is also very comprehensive. We learn a lot of things here apart from course subjects. We are taught how to be very responsible and careful when administering care for patients,” said Siti with a smile.
Anyone with basic SPM qualifications can enrol in the Diploma in Nursing programme, which takes 3 years to complete. The programme is accredited by the Ministry of Health (MOH) and the Malaysian Nursing Board. It is also approved by the Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE) and Malaysian Qualifications Agency (MQA).
Nursing students at SEGi have an added advantage of practical training placement at government and private hospitals. SEGi’s campuses are also well equipped with sufficient simulation wards and skills laboratories to give students the best learning experiences. These ensure that they are career ready once they graduate.
In addition to that, all students enrolled at SEGi are privileged to attend a leadership camp at SEGi Leadership Centre. This camp provides highly valued exercises that increase students’ soft skills and help with their personal development.
They will experience competitive group games, do rock-climbing, flying fox and other exciting outdoor activities. This extra benefit for SEGi students is in line with current employers’ needs for workers with qualities such as good communication skills, good team players, confidence in handling challenges and leadership skills.
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